Easy to digest foods, your metabolic rate and the overall health of an individual. In this regard, digestion occurs on average as soon as food is taken into the mouth as one begins to chew. It takes 6 to 8 hours for any food you consume to move through your stomach and the small intestine. That then may take another 24 to 72 hours to happen in the large intestine, where water is absorbed, and waste is expelled.
Best Easy to Digest Foods

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Various foods are metabolised at varying rates. For example, proteins and fats – the meats and cheeses – are harder for your body to break down than simple sugars found in vegetables and fruits. That means the more complex a food is, the longer it takes for your body to break the food down properly.
Digestion is required so that the body can assimilate nutrients and thus possess enough energy to enable it to go throughout the day. In order to enhance digestion, one needs to drink water, eat fibre-rich foods, and engage in physical activities. However, stress, lack of sleep, or even some diseases may affect the rate of digestion in the stomach. People have different digestive systems, and knowledge of easy to digest foods is very important in order to lead a healthy life.
Bananas, for instance, are one of the best, easy to digest foods. They are tender, hence taking less time to chew, and rich in potassium and fibre. Furthermore, bananas are rich in pectin, which can soften the faeces and, therefore, reduce instances of constipation. Bananas are also low in fat and protein, so they give off energy quickly; thus, they are natural fruits for a quick fix. They also replenish the electrolytes, which is very helpful if you have problems with your digestion system, like diarrhoea and vomiting, among others.

Oatmeal is another one among the easy to digest foods, and it is rather tasty. It contains soluble fibre, which swells in the stomach and slows down the rate at which it digests, thereby making you feel full for a longer time. This is good for regulating blood sugar and supporting the good bacteria in the gut. Oatmeal can be very soft, especially when it is cooked, and that is why it is easily digested by the body. It is perfect for people who do not eat much and have sensitive stomachs or just anyone who wants to eat a healthy meal that will actually fill them up.
Rice (especially white rice)
White rice is easy to digest foods in the world today, which is why most patients are advised to take it. Compared to brown rice, it has almost half the amount of fibre, so it is a good option for those with sensitive stomachs. Polished grains or white rice give quick energy to the body, and that is why it is suggested that people who are suffering from nausea or diarrhoea should take it as it is easily digestible and does not put pressure on the stomach. That is why white rice is so often included in the “BRAT” diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast) for individuals who have stomach problems.

Cooked Carrots
Carrots are some of the best vegetables to take since cooked vegetables are easy to digest foods on the stomach as compared to raw ones. Carrots become softer when boiled or steamed because the fibres in them, which are so hard on the stomach, become soft. While carrots do lose some of their nutritive values when cooked, they are still loaded with antioxidants such as beta-carotene, which the body has to convert into vitamin A that aids in vision and skin health. They are tender and wholesome and are suitable where a person wants to consume foods that are highly rich in vitamins and mineral nutrients but easily digestible.
Toast (preferably white bread)
Toast, most especially toast from white bread, is a plain, simple food that the stomach has no difficulty digesting. Toasting helps in the cause of loss of moisture in the bread, making it easy to digest foods. White bread on the other hand has very low fiber content than whole grain bread, therefore it is among the foods that are easy to digest. Frequently, it is included in postnormalized diets, as it does not cause discomfort in the stomach and can absorb stomach acid, which is useful for people who have problems with Indigestion or Nausea.

Adding easy to digest foods to your meal plan will help you keep your digestive system in check and avoid situations that lead to bloating or indigestion. You will have to eat certain foods that are less irritating to your stomach but at the same time contain all the nutrients you need: bananas, oatmeal, white rice, applesauce, cooked carrots, toast, etc. These foods are recommended most especially when you are suffering from digestive disorders or when you just want a healthy gut. More of these can therefore be put into your meals to make the food you eat healthy for your digestive system as well as healthy for your body systems.
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