Our brain can do many beautiful things, but it also has limits and boundaries and needs rest to work smoothly and more efficiently. Most people are busy today, so they don’t get enough time to allow their brains to rest. But with this fast-paced life, we should also care for our mental health. Otherwise, it can lead to mental burnout and affect your productivity.

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And one of the best ways to support your mental health is mental detox. Today, in this article, we will tell you a well-crafted mental detox routine that will eliminate all the unnecessary and negative thoughts from your mind, improve your mental health, and finally, you will feel as light as a leaf. So, let’s dive into this article and learn about the eight amazing things for a mental detox that make you calm and bring your awareness to the present moment.
Unplug to do a mental detox.

The first and most important thing you should do for a mental detox is to quiet the hatter box around you. Maybe you will not like it, but your phone is the major chatterbox around you, and if you want mental peace, you should not use it. Switch off your phone or put it on airplane mode. At first, you will feel detached from the whole world, but it is necessary to allow you to connect with your inner self.
Quitting all the gadgets around you is like cutting down the chord that connects your brain with unnecessary outer noises. Not only mobile, but you should also stop using gadgets, like laptops or TVs, if you want a mental detox. The aim is to limit all-electric gadgets to prevent wasting your energy on unnecessary things, focus your energy on your inner self, and open healing channels.
Find A Cozy Corner

For the mental detox process, find a cozy corner. Choosing a place you don’t often use would be best because it would give you a feeling of hibernation mode and make the whole experience more effective and better. You can go on the rooftop, on the balcony, or sit on the floor. The aim is to find a comfortable place to become your self-care corner.
Set The Mood

Now, you might wonder why we are taking this much time to set up the mental detox routine. But I assure you that the process is therapeutic, and there is nothing wrong with putting some effort into preparing. So, before starting any mental cleansing activity, spend some minutes playing around with your space to set up your mood for the process. You can also use some scented candles to make the environment therapeutic, as they will soothe your mood.
Open the windows around you and let the fresh air in. Nothing is greater than the positivity that nature gives us. Now, lastly, play some relaxing music in the background at low volume, and you are ready for the further process.
Brain Dump On A Journal

Our brain processes a lot of information every day, and because of that, many thoughts and information accumulate. So writing them somewhere helps to organize the information and unload and unpack everything running in your mind.
So what will be better than sitting in your cozy spot, soft music running in the background, and writing all your thoughts in a journal? Start writing down in your journal, no matter how dark your thoughts are. It will help you by deepening your reflection on yourself. It will enable you to understand your feelings and emotions more efficiently and help you with what you want to make more precise decisions.
Communicate with yourself. Write down all your emotions, especially recent ones, that have significantly impacted your mind. Write positive affirmations about your life. If you are not quite a journaler, don’t worry; grab a new notebook and start writing down whatever comes to your mind. Trust me; you will feel free after this; it will be like many burdens have been eliminated from your shoulders.
Don’t worry if your words do not make sense or have no structure or links. The aim is to free your brain by dumping down worries from the brain. It’s a great form of self-therapy that does not require a penny.
Add Tea To Your Mental Detox Session

Next, add a cup of hot tea to your mental detox routine. Many delicious beverages are available, but you must admit that a cup of tea is the best for beating stress. If you are not a tea person, you should try it once. Herbal tea should be your perfect pick.
I recommend green tea, which contains theanine, an amino acid that helps calm your mood and relieve stress. You can also add lemon and honey to enhance the taste of the tea and enjoy sipping it while you enjoy your cozy place. You can also go with Ginger, peach, chamomile, or black tea.
Stretch Your Body

The best way to get a peaceful mind is through a relaxed body. So, what’s better than a workout routine to keep your body fit, healthy, and relaxed? You can go with a full-fledged workout, but we have created a cozy and comfortable environment for the mental detox process, which will not suit this workout.
So, a simple stretch is enough to relax your muscles and bring awareness to your body. It would be best to try some yoga poses, such as a significantly downward-facing dog, cat-cow, and child’s pose. If you are new to yoga, various YouTube channels that teach these yoga poses clearly and without charge are available. You can watch their videos while stretching. Just a few minutes of yoga and stretching are enough to align your mind and body and make you relax.
Meditate To Some Calming Music

I recommend that meditation be part of everyone’s routine. But if you have not done any meditation yet, you will feel very stressed during your mental detox routine. So here are some easier ways to incorporate meditation in a fun way.
We already turned on music while we were setting up our mood and environment for this mental detox process, which will help us here. Now, choose the music that relaxes and calms your mind. It might be an acoustic romantic, a happy song, or something groovy that makes your heart full.
Now, you have to listen to the music, focus all your senses on the music, feel the lyrics, and hum along with the melody. This might look super silly, but it works. Give it a try. If you think about it, this technique works as meditation as you focus your awareness on a thought, object, or activity.
Read A Book

The list of things to include in your mental detox routine is a book. Indeed, you can’t buy happiness, but you can buy the things that can make you happy, and trust me, books are one of those things.
Pick a book of your taste—romance, comedy, self-help, mystery, thriller, or any other that better suits you—and now let your mind wonder what those magical pages hold for you. You have done your part to get rid of unnecessary and negative thoughts, and now it’s time to use your mind well, and reading a book is one of the best ways to do this.
But remember, we are in an unplugged mode, so you should not go for digital reading; buy hardcovers or paper books. If you are not a trading person, you can also engage in other hobbies, such as Painting, doodling, drawing, solving puzzles, playing the guitar, or creating something. Hobbies are the best thing that keeps us engaged, relieves stress, enhance our creativity, and relax and calm our minds.
So these are the eight things essential for a mental detox routine. You should follow this routine regularly if you are also mentally burned out. Anyone can spare 30-40 minutes daily for themselves, so spare that time for self-care and mental cleansing, which will help improve your focus and productivity. If our information has helped you, or you want us to cover any other topic, please let us know in the comment section below.
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