College education is one of the most important stages in people’s lives, and it involves a lot of decisions, plans, and changes. High school to higher education entails changes in the learning environment, challenges, and accountability. However, it is also accompanied by its own difficulties, for example, coping with homesickness, dealing with school and academics, and making friends. Below, you will find useful tips that will assist you in navigating through your first year and enable you to experience the changes that this period brings:
Understanding and Managing Homesickness: First Year of College

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- The feelings of homesickness are quite familiar to the first year of college students. Living at college and not being near home may cause an individual to feel isolated or a sense of occasional nervousness. Realizing that such feelings are quite natural is the first way to fight against them.
- Stay Connected, But Not Too Much: It is perfectly normal to want to maintain contact with people they used to know back home, but do not let this be a hindrance from getting to know your surrounding. Don’t be a stranger – have weekly or bi-weekly phone or Skype dates, but also attempt to fully engage in the college experience.
- Personalize Your Space: Your dorm room or apartment is a place where you will be spending a lot of time so try and make it as comfortable as you can. Hang pictures or posters, or anything that you have missed and that makes you feel you are still at home. Thus, creating comfortable atmosphere being as inhome as possible can be also helpful.
- Get Involved on Campus: In as much as homesickness could be a major challenge for students they should consider participating in campus activities as a way of overcoming it. Engage in other extra curricular activities such as clubs, sporting teams and other student organizations for related courses. This will assist you in making some new friends as well as put you in a new social group.
- Seek Support: Should homesickness aggravate and cause the student to feel that he needs help, he should not hesitate to ask for it. Almost every college provides a counselling centre in which you may discuss how you feel. The idea that a simple conversation with another person who seems to comprehend can go a long way is not to be dismissed.
Academic Success and Homesickness: Creating the Blocks of a Sustainable Future

- The first academic year of college is possibly the most important in the formation of good academic behaviour and study habits. Here’s how you can set yourself up for success: Here’s how you can set yourself up for success:
- Understand Your Course Requirements: Do spend time getting to know your degree program and the specific courses you are likely to undertake in future. Knowing what is required of you must help you to organize your semesters well.
- Develop Effective Study Habits: College academics are usually more rigorous than high school, and therefore, students should adopt good study habits in college. Go through a study schedule that suits you best, whether it is doing it in a short time or by adopting flash cards or group study with others.
- Utilize Campus Resources: It’s therefore important not to miss the opportunities to utilize the available academic facilities in campus. Tutoring centers, writing labs, and libraries are available for your convenience at the UTC. Another similar activity that students should also undertake is going for office hours because they help one to get some extra lessons, interact with the instructors.
- Time Management is Key: It can be very hard to accomplish that balance between school and other social functions and responsibilities but better time management can only work well. Write down your classes, your study time and any other activities in a planner or an online calendar, for you to easily know your daily timetable. Do not forget, it is equally important to plan time for household, rest and leisure.
- More Friendships and Social Networks
Friendship and Social Networks: Homesickness Effects

- Although it can be very stressful to make friends in college and homesickness, making friends is one of the many benefits of going to college. Establishing your target social network where you are likely to spend most of your college time will not only add merely value to your college experience but will also be beneficial to you in future.
- Be Open to New Experiences: This ‘free-some’ era is an opportunity to cast off your chains. Go to parties, make new friends, get to know people in the class, join new societies or start new discussions. Therefore, openness to change will ensure that the individual gets to interact with people with the same perception of what is appropriate.
- Don’t Be Afraid to Reach Out: If you have come across an individual you would like to know more about do not hesitate to introduce yourself. One example is extending an invitation for study session or just to grab a cup of coffee and the result is lifelong friends.
- Participate in Orientation Programs: Most college have orientation activities for the first year learners. They are organized exclusively for you to have an opportunity to speak to other new students and find out more about the campus. Use these opportunities to begin creating those contacts as from the initial day in a new post.
- Join Study Groups: Besides helping in the course, study groups are really social; you get to know a lot of people. Group study brings about the effects of companionship and homesickness; hence, one feels that he or she is not alone in struggling to get good grades.

An academic year in college can be termed one of the most rewarding years, but for first-year learners, it is one of growth and transformation. As much as it may have its difficulties, it is also an opportunity to find interesting hobbies, meet friends for life, and gain the basis for future life. Homesickness, academic success, and social relations should, therefore, be addressed so as to do well in the first year and beyond. Do not forget that college is a process – and this must be effected with openness and enthusiasm. Homesickness, academic success, and social relations should, therefore, be addressed so as to do well in the first year and beyond.
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