Playing has a vital role in our child’s life. They play various games outside the home, which helps them grow and make their mind creative through the games. When they meet new friends while playing, they interact with the outer environment from home and understand how other people react. In-home, they see only a loveable and care able environment, but outside the home, they meet good and bad friends with different natures. As a result, they start learning people and emotional skills. Here are some benefits for kids playing. Let’s Discuss
Benefits of Playing
Improves Cognitive Ability

It helps in the development and cognitive skills of kids. It increases their memory and helps them in exploring the world. Children learn from games to join the things in real life. It encourages them to use their senses. Because while playing, we use our minds and body to win the game. Games teach kids to use reactions like pretend, create, or imagine. Kids pretend to lose in games to trick someone or make plans with their friends to win the match or series with the whole team. It includes thinking practice, brainstorming, and imagination.
Physically Fit

Games or Play makes our body strong and active. Games are part of physical activity. While playing games, our entire body moves, which is essential to keep us healthy and physically fit. As machines need oil to run smoothly, our bodies also need physical activity to run machine-like bodies. Physical activities are like the oil for our body to keep running smoothly; otherwise, as a machine gets rusty, our body gets rusty and stuck in many physical problems or diseases. It helps to increase stamina, flexibility, and body awareness. Physical activities include running, walking, and jumping, making our bodies active and more energetic. Studies say playing has enumerable benefits for kids.
Emotional Strong

Games make our kids physically as well as emotionally strong. Games always have two sides, win and loss. When kids lose, they understand the feeling or loss, and that’s why they start feeling the emotional feelings and slowly become emotionally intense from games to real life. The winning team always makes fun of the loser team when they lose the match. Our kids feel sad, angry, and grief about loss. But, they slowly start handling these emotions, which makes them confident and self-esteem. Kids who are not playing games or skip this phase of life are not that active emotionally because they skipped the learning phase and the most exciting phase of life.
Drawbacks of Not Playing

Games or playing helps children to grow and makes them strong. It also helps to develop feelings and emotions and reduce the stress of studies and various things. But, if kids are not playing, they cannot develop feelings and emotions that fast, which they gain from playing. Therefore, the growth of that children is comparatively slow. Moreover, kids who are not playing outside the home or in nature have a high chance of risk for behavior and nature problems because they don’t communicate with more people and need to learn how to react and greet people outside the home. Therefore, they are unable to learn how to tackle emotional things. Kids who are not playing need to learn those skills later, which are quickly gained while playing because they didn’t experience them before. We recommend that the parents take their kids with them to the playground for daily games, which is very important for them. Because you can’t teach them every aspect of life on your own, the external environment is essential for them to learn how to tackle new challenges. So, please encourage them to play.