The first 30 minutes of our day when we wake up are the most critical time of our day. It sets the tone of our day; if we use those 30 minutes mindfully, we can easily win our day and vice versa. So, if you want to achieve something big in your day and be more successful, start your day right. This article will tell you the best morning routine for men to win their day.

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These are easy steps everyone can follow, which include a little stretching, mindful meditation, and other such activities that will make you more optimistic about facing your daily challenges. So, let’s start learning how you can change your day by following this one of the best morning routine for men.
What Happens To Your Body When You Are Sleeping?

Humans are the only mammals on the earth who can’t work correctly if they do not get enough sleep and food. And on average, one person should complete 8 hours of quality sleep every night. When we sleep, our body starts repairing different cells, which starts its restoration process to strengthen our body. Various chemicals start circulating in our body, strengthening our immune system.
When we sleep, we don’t move or consume anything, which makes our body stiff and dehydrated. So, the first thing we should do when we wake up is to keep the muscles in our body hydrated.
What Not to Do in The First 30 Minutes After You Wake Up?

- After waking up, you should never engage in activities using electrical devices such as your mobile phone, computer, or TV.
- Stop checking your work emails the first thing after you wake up.
- Don’t ever get into the rok mode just after waking up. Allow some time for your mind to freshen.
- Don’t go in the noises or distracted places.
- And most importantly, don’t drink coffee or any other stimulant first thing in the morning.
Here is the Best Morning Routine For Men

Drink Water
The first thing you should do after waking up is hydrate your body. Think about it: you slept for 8 hours; you haven’t gotten anything to hydrate your body. So, as per the best morning routine for men, you should drink around 1 liter of water the first thing you wake up.
It hydrates your body, supports weight loss, and activates your digestive system. Apart from this, it helps in eliminating unnecessary elements from our bodies. So make sure you are getting water the first thing after waking up.
Breathing Exercises
Experts believe engaging in mindful activities like deep breathing exercises or meditation within 10 minutes of waking up greatly impacts our body. So, as per our best morning routine for men, try to do deep breathing exercises after drinking the water. Get yourself in a comfortable position and start following the following process.
- Focus on your breath while inhaling and exhaling through your nose.
- You should feel the air coming into your nose and lungs and coming out from your lungs.
- Repeat this process 25 times, and then take a break of 1 minute and start doing it again.
- Remember, your focus should be only on your breathing.
The next thing you should do is stretch your body a little bit. If you have a yoga mat, use it, or you can also go for a towel. The best yoga practice you can begin in your morning is from the downward dog to the cobra position, following this yoga for around 5 minutes. This is one of the best yoga practices that one can incorporate into their morning routine. It is our best morning routine for men to keep themselves active.
This yoga focuses on your body’s hamstrings, glutes, and lower back muscles, which are all inactive during sleep. This stretching activity can activate all your lower and upper body muscles, and if combined with the basic breathing technique, it is one of the best ways to keep your heart rate going.
Take a COLD 60-second shower.
The next thing on our list of best morning routine for men might seem uncomfortable, but trust me; it is a great way to start your morning. Most of us enjoy hot showers in the morning because it promotes relaxation. But experts suggest that we should start our day with a cold shower. It helps regulate your blood circulation and wake you properly.
It might sound difficult to you in the starting, but once you start taking cold showers, you will start enjoying it. Cold showers come with a lot of health benefits, as follows:
- It Improves the immune system.
- Improves blood circulation
- Drains lymphatic system
- Lowers stress
- Promotes fat loss
Do A Morning Bodyweight Workout
Last, our list of the best morning routine for men includes engaging in a bodyweight workout, which should be around 20 minutes minimum. Various intense workouts do not require special training and can be performed from anywhere with just basic skills. Engaging in the morning bodyweight workout fuels your body, activates all your body parts, promotes energy, and makes you more energetic to tackle all your daily tasks.
So these are the five best morning routine for men, which you should take seriously. Starting your day right is the first step to moving toward your success. You should hear the success stories of successful people, say the role of the morning routine in their life. So, instead of just waking up and rushing to work, you should adopt the best morning routine for men, which fits you. These are the basic things we have highlighted in this article, try this best morning routine for men and let us know if it works for you? Start doing something productive in your morning because doing something is better than doing nothing.
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