In winter usually, infections such as common cold, flu, sore throat are widespread, and it is reasonable to catch them. But sore throat can be a pain and might last for a week or more. People usually try to find some home remedies for sore throat but sometimes it’s difficult to find the right ones.
Usually, a sore throat occurs as a response of our immune system towards the viral or bacterial infections. To cure the sore throat here, we are with some scientifically proven home remedies for sore throat that can help you to heal.
1. Gargle With Salt Water

This remedy is there for generations and exists in a lot of different cultures around the world.
Salt is antibacterial. It helps to kill the harmful microbes in the throat and also helps reduce the water from the throat tissue.
How to do Gargle with Saltwater?
- Take a warm cup of water.
- Add one tablespoon of salt to it and stir it well.
- Gargle with a mouthful of the saltwater for 30 seconds.
- Try to repeat the same process every hour or two.
2. Drink Green Tea

A lot of refreshing varieties of tea are available that would refresh your mood as well as help you with your soar throat.
Green tea and clove tea both carry antibacterial characteristics to fight against infections and provide relief.
The peppermint tea is an excellent choice for relieving pain and reducing inflammation. In addition to that, peppermint tea can dull your throat and lighten your pain.
How to Make Tea for Sore Throat?
- Get the tea leaves of your choice from the market.
- You can also prepare the tea flavour with traditional methods.
- Check the tea’s caffeine content to make sure it’s suitable for you.
- Boil until the flavour is properly spread in the tea water.
- Add half a tablespoon of honey to 1 cup of tea.
- Add half a tablespoon of lemon to 1 cup of tea.
- Mix it well and drink it with slow sips.
However, if you are sick and want to rest, avoid tea having more caffeine content as tea with higher caffeine would not let you sleep for longer hours.
3. Vitamin C Boost from Lemons

Lemons are a way to superb if you want to get rid of sore throats because they break the mucus and provide relief from the pain.
Lemons are full of Vitamin C and can significantly help you boost your immune system and provide more power to you for fighting the infection.
How to Use Lemons as Home Remedies for Sore Throat?
- Take a glass of water and lukewarm it.
- Add one teaspoon of lemon to a glass of lukewarm water.
- Drink it for quick relief.
- Drink up to 1 to 2 glasses of the same every hour.
4. Honey

One of the best remedies along with saltwater and lemon to get rid of sore throat is honey, due to its natural antibacterial properties that allow it to act as a wound healer.
Honey provides instant relief for pain and also helps reduce the inflammation. Honey also kills the bacteria and helps you with fighting viral infections.
Additionally, if you are also facing the bad cough with the sore throat, honey could be beneficial for that as well.
How to Use Honey as Home Remedies for Sore Throat?
- Get a glass of lukewarm water.
- Add two tablespoons of honey to it.
- Stir it well for 20 seconds.
- Drink several times a day.
[…] can use warmer fluids if you have coughed for a long time. These fluids will help relax your throat and remove soreness. Mostly during cough, your throat becomes dehydrated. So go with more liquid at […]