A balanced Diet and Healthy Lifestyle help keep your Kidney healthy and protect them from various problems. But still, some tips can be helpful to keep your kidneys disease free. Your renal are located below the rib cage on the left and right sides of your spine. The Kidneys perform many essential functions in your body. Its most significant role is to remove waste products, extra water, and other impure items from your blood and store them in your bladder, and later, they will be thrown out of your body via urine. In addition, the Kidney plays the role of filter for your blood in the body. Also, it regulates your body’s pH, salt, and potassium levels. Finally, it produces hormones that regulate your blood pressure and control the development of red blood cells.
It helps to produce Vitamin D in your body, which helps to soak calcium to form bones and control muscle work. Sustaining renal health is very important for living long because renals are the filter of your body which filters unclean things and throws them out of your body. So let’s discuss steps to keep your Kidney healthy.
Steps to Keep Your Kidney Healthy
Control Your Diabetes

People with high sugar and diabetes harm their renal. When your blood cells can’t use the sugar in your blood, your kidneys must work extra to filter the blood. If this situation remains the same for years, it will damage your renal. If you regulate your blood sugar, there is less chance of renal damage.
Maintain Blood Pressure Level

High Blood pressure can damage your kidneys. High Blood pressure badly impacts your body and creates problems such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart diseases. A blood Pressure level is 120/80 is considered healthy, but below or above this level is harmful to our body. Some diet changes and lifestyle changes can be helpful to maintain it.
Maintain Your Weight

More weight can be considered as the box of diseases. Being overweight or obese is the reason for health problems. For example, it can increase the chance of heart and kidney problems. A balanced diet is essential to maintain your weight. Eating fresh and which are low in sodium will be helpful.
Drink Plenty of Water

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Drink Water is a good habit that hydrates your body, and water intake is good for your body and kidney health. It cleans toxins, clears sodium for your kidneys, and lowers the risk of renal problems. Drinking at least 2 liters of water is necessary for us, but you can increase it according to your body and factors. For example, someone with renal stones must drink more water to prevent future stones. According to a study, water intake protects from Chronic renal Disease.
Quit Smoke

Smoking is a curse for your body, and it slows the blood flow of the body and to your kidneys. In addition, smoking promotes cancer in your body. If you’re an active smoker, try to quit smoking immediately to protect your body from this loss. It will take years after leaving to recover your Kidney as it was before the smoking.