Going to bed early for sleep and waking up early is the best routine to make you productive throughout the day. However, some duties, such as office and parental responsibilities, make it hard to adopt this routine. Knowing best time to sleep and wake up makes your routines better. When we talk about sleep, these two essential things are to be taken care of, the amount of sleep you get and consistency in time. Going to bed to sleep at night or dark time gives you enough sleep and helps you fall asleep effortlessly. Everyone needs to take enough sleep every day to avoid health issues. These are some ideal sleep routines that help to make your increase your sleep quality.
Best Time to Sleep and Awaken?
Best Time to Sleep

Most people adapt to going to bed to sleep and wake up early in the first light. This sleeping pattern matches the sun. Therefore, it would be best to find out when you are going to bed at night and when you wake up in the first light. Also, Consider the hours you need to sleep daily according to your age and other factors. Then, the applied routine would be best for you according to your age and sleep and wake-up routine.
What is the circadian rhythm?

Circadian rhythm is an internal clock that refers to the natural sleep and wake cycle of 24 hours. Everybody feels lower alertness and increases alertness several times in 24 hours. Therefore, you have less chance of sleep in day time if you are getting quality in your nighttime. Circadian rhythm also tells your bedtime and wake-up routines. Our brain adapts to that sleeping routine when we wake up simultaneously every day. Therefore, it helps to take your sleep easily according to your way, and it wakes up simultaneously every day without any alarm. If you are working taking irregular sleep, you get to sleep in your daytime because of lousy sleeping routines.
How many hours did we need to sleep?

An adult requires an average of 7-9 hours of sleep daily. Not getting enough sleep can make you lazy and inactive throughout the day. Sleeping hours vary for every age group. Kids need more sleep time, and adult comparatively less. According to a Study, Kids need at least 12 to 17 hours of sleep daily, adults need at least 8-10 hours, and elders above 60 need at least 7-9 hours of sleep daily. These are specific for every age group, getting enough sleep to protect our body from various problems.
Problems with not getting enough sleep?

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We should need at least 7-9 hours of sleep daily to get fit. The doctor recommends getting activeness, energy, immunity boosting, and proper brain function, or else you will feel health problems. Sleeping is not enough for us to be productive; you need naps in the daytime for better health benefits. Getting less sleep leads to depression, frustration, and heart problems.
Problems with Over Sleep?

Excess of everything is terrible; if sleep less than required causes problems, taking more sleep also becomes a reason for concern for your body. Some lazy people sleep all day, harming them in the long run. Also, doctors recommend you don’t not sleeping more than required. It affects your health by causing anxiety, depression, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, headaches, and thyroid.
In Conclusion, Sleep is the best therapy for our body and works as fuel for our body. It gives us energy for the whole day’s routine. But getting less or more sleep is also destructive for us. Therefore, you should follow your sleep routine according to your age. It would help you with various health benefits.