Everyone is born with different shades of lips, which also match the appearance of their body. However, the issue arises when hyperpigmentation occurs and the lips become dark. So it becomes necessary to find out the cause behind the dark lips and then go for treatments to get rid of dark lips and get the natural color of your lips back.

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In this article, we will tell you about some natural ingredients to get rid of dark lips naturally instead of using any medication or artificial products. So, if you also have dark lips and want to get the natural shade of your lips back, you should read this article to the end. In this article, we will tell you some of the best natural and organic methods that bring back the natural color of your lips and make them more shining and good-looking. First, let’s learn about what causes dark lips.
Causes of Dark Lips

Various factors might be responsible for dark lips, and some common causes are as follows.
- When you remain exposed for more time in the sun, it produces melanin, which causes pigmentation.
- If you are smoking excessively, then it will lead to a smoker’s melanosis, which is also a type of pigmentation.
- Sometimes, an allergic response from some products, especially lipstick or toothpaste, can also lead to hyperpigmentation on your lips.
- Some medical conditions, such as Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, Laugier-Hunziker syndrome, and posttraumatic pigmentation, can also cause your lips to look darker.
These are some of the common causes of dark lips. Experts say the significant reason for darker lips is the lack of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in skin health, so the lack of it can lead to dryer, cracked, or discolored lips. Now that you know the factors responsible for darker lips, let’s learn how to get rid of dark lips.
How To Get Rid Of Dark Lips Naturally

Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is one of the best ways to get rid of dark lips naturally. Its moisturizing and emollient properties help keep lips smooth, soft, and supple. Coconut oil also prevents lips from becoming dry and darker, which is common during skin dehydration.
So, to prevent your lips from becoming dry and darker, take some virgin coconut oil on your index finger and apply it on your lips. Leave it as it is to dry. Apply coconut oil 1-2 times daily for more softer and smoother lips.
Lemon And Honey
Citrus fruits like lemon are well known for their skin-lightening properties. When combined with honey, lemon will lighten your lips and soften, rejuvenate, and revitalize them.
To get rid of dark lips, take a tablespoon of lemon and honey, mix them well, and apply the mixture to your lips. Leave it on your lips for 15-20 minutes, then wash them with lukewarm water. Follow this process twice a day to get smoother and softer lips.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is also a natural solution to get rid of dark lips because it contains aloin, a compound with depigmenting properties. Applying aloe vera to your lips can help fade the pigmentation and bring back your lips’ natural, beautiful shade.
So, to get softer and more natural lips, apply half a teaspoon of freshly extracted aloe vera gel to your lips, and then, after 5-10 minutes, rinse your lips with lukewarm water. Follow the same process twice daily to restore your lips’ natural color.
Cucumber Juice
Cucumbers are packed with antioxidants and silica-rich compounds, which help fade pigmentation from the lips and bring the natural shade of your lips back.
So, to restore your beautiful lips and get rid of dark lips, grind a few cucumber slices and apply the paste to them. Leave them as they are for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse them with lukewarm water. Now, follow the same process twice daily for a few days to restore your lips’ shining color and make them soft and smoother.
Turmeric is also one of the best natural remedies to get rid of dark lips. It contains Curcumin, which can help inhibit melanogenesis and bring back the natural shade of your lips.
So, to bring back the natural and beautiful shade of your lips, mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder with some water and make a thick paste. Now apply the paste on your lips and leave it to dry. After it dries, rinse your lips with lukewarm water and repeat the same process twice a day for some days to bring back the natural color of your lips and make them shiny, soft, and smooth.
How to prevent dark lips?

- Exfoliate your lips regularly. This can remove dead skin cells and improve blood flow, which is good for your lips.
- Add a lip balm with SPF 40 or above to your daily self-care routine.
- Drink plenty of fluids in your daily routine to keep yourself hydrated.
- Avoid using low-quality lip cosmetics.
- Before using any cosmetic product, do a patch test to determine if you are allergic to it.
- Avoid sucking your lips constantly, as it can make them dry.
So now you know how to prevent your lips from becoming darker and the best natural ways to get rid of dark lips. If you are facing the issue of dark lips, try following these natural remedies and let us know which works best for you. If our information has helped you, or you want us to cover any topic, please let us know in the comment section below.
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