What is Double Chin?
Double Chin or submental fat is a common issue nowadays. Double chin refers to excessive fat under your lower jaw. It occurs because of getting fat under your face or aging skin, which loosens your skin and looks like a double chin. It affects your confidence and your beauty. Doctors recommend taking less fat and fewer oil meals to avoid double chin issues. Don’t worry; we have some home remedies that help you remove the fat from your chin.
Double Chin Causes
Fat & Weight

Your weight may cause Double Chin. If your weight is over ideal, you need to work on your weight to reduce the fat from your chin. Fat is the main reason for being overweight or obese. It may be due to a destructive lifestyle, incorrect sleep routines, and eating more fast food.

Diet is the main factor of every problem. Suppose you are not eating a good diet according to weight and height. You may cause a lot of problems in the future. Double chin is one of them. Eating more processed, oil, and spicy food can cause submental fat.

Aging is also a factor for the double chin. Skin starts losing its elasticity according to age and causes a double chin. However, you can still exercise to increase the aging time to avoid submental fat at an early age.
Genetics is also a cause of double chin. You may have a family with less skin elasticity. It might be more likely to develop one themselves.

Also Read: 5 Exercises to Improve Posture
Your Posture is also a factor for submental fat. When muscles are not being used, it may cause a double chin. It may cause lousy Posture that will weaken your neck and chin muscles. But it will be treated with the changes in your lifestyle. We should try posture exercises for better results.
Double Chin Treatment with Home Workout
Neck & Face Exercises

You can try various neck and face exercises to reduce and avoid submental fat. These are some exercises to reduce fat.
- Around the World: Twist your head gently to warm up. It will help you to reduce neck fat.
- Whistle at the ceiling: Tilt your head to the top and pretend to whistle and reverse your neck back.
- Kiss the Sky: Tilt your head to the top as in the previous one and pout or pucker your lips.
- Squeeze the Ball using your Chin: In this exercise, you should set the Ball under your chin and squeeze the Ball.
Lifestyle Changes

You should maintain your healthy lifestyle by exercising for at least 45 minutes. You need to eat fatty, less spicy and junk food. Include salad, vegetables, and fruits in your diet. It will help you to reduce the overall fat in your body. You will see the effect within 30 days, but the results depend on your efforts to change your lifestyle. According to Study, Chewing gum can help you feel better after a meal fat reduction.

Start using a less fat diet. Avoid junk food and oily food, and avoid overeating. Eat at least 5 times a day but in a small proportion that will get you enough food for your body. As a result, you will feel more energetic and light. Take enough protein according to your weight and consume fewer carbs. Your double chin will start to reduce by this technique in a short time.
Face Mask

Many masks are available in the market with different goals. Start applying face masks that help you to get your skin tight. We can use masks, and exercising will give fast results in a double chin. Some face masks help to burn neck fat. Taking according to your skin type.