The liver plays the most crucial part in our body. It helps to maintain the functioning of the metabolism and the synthesis. But if the liver fails or you have trouble functioning, you may face serious health issues like jaundice or liver failure. A person may have different symptoms of liver disease at different stages, but with early identification, one can cope with the situation to avoid any severe disease. In this article, we will discuss some of the significant symptoms of liver disease, which you should take care of, and on finding any symptom, you should consult some liver expert and treat the disease early.
Why Is the Liver Important?

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- The main work of the liver is to produce fluid bile, which helps in the absorption and breakdown of fat in the intestine.
- It helps synthesize the proteins for blood clotting and regulates blood clotting.
- It manages the metabolism and carbohydrate to use them as the glucose in the blood.
- The liver also performs the task of eliminating bilirubin through metabolism and secretion.
- It helps remove bacteria from the bloodstream and fights infections by developing immunity factors.
Causes of Liver Damage

In general, when there is a disturbance in the functioning of the liver, it’s called liver disease, and they don’t build at once. They build up over time and lead to serious illness. And result in liver failure if not controlled in the early stages.
Liver disease can be of two types:
- Acute liver disease: With this type of liver disease, patients will feel fever, unwell with malaise, and abdominal pain, which later results in jaundice.
- Chronic liver disease: In the early stages of this liver disease, one will not feel any illness as this disease grows with time, and later on, it will result in edema feet, weight loss, and jaundice.
5 Symptoms of Liver Disease

Itchy Skin
One of the significant symptoms of liver disease is itchy skin. People with this disease will feel itchiness in their skin, and there may be several reasons behind this, such as cancer of the bile duct, stones in the bile duct or of the head of the pancreas, and primary biliary cirrhosis.

Usually, there will not be many rashes on the skin due to the itchiness because of liver disease. Still, the excessive scratching might result in visible irritation, infection, and redness.
Spider Angiomas

If you are seeing spider-like signs on the skin of your face and legs, then you should consult your doctor once, as it may be one of the symptoms of liver disease. Generally, this happens due to estrogen, which results in the improper functioning of the liver in your metabolism of the hormones. Spider Angiomas are mainly seen in people facing liver disease due to alcohol.
Frequent Bruising and Bleeding

People who easily bleed may be having symptoms of liver disease. Frequent bruising and easy bleeding happen due to the deficiency of the required proteins in the liver used for blood clotting. Also, when blood pools beneath your skin, it results in bruising, which can be black, blue, or purple and brownish and fade after some time.
Swelling of feet

People with chronic liver disease may have accumulated blood due to the increase in the portal veins (ascites) in their feet, resulting the leg swelling. The Liver’s inability to produce enough blood may also result in the swallow legs, another symptom of liver disease.
Swelling in the abdomen

People with chronic liver disease can have problems with the accumulation of fluids in the abdomen, which cause them swelling in the abdomen. Fluids leaked from the intestine or the liver cause swelling in the abdomen. Which are the other symptom of liver disease.
Other Symptoms of Liver Disease
- Vomiting of blood
- Sleep disturbance
How To Avoid Liver Damage?

It has been said that if detected earlier, then with proper care, one can cope with liver disease and save himself from the advanced stages with high risks. So we have listed up some of the changes that you should have to make in your lifestyle to avoid liver-related problems and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.
- Avoid alcoholic beverages
- Avoid smoking
- Maintain a healthy weight.
- Detox yourself
- Exercise regularly
- Do not overconsume vitamin supplements.
- Eat healthily
So that’s how you can treat your liver disease. You should take care of the symptoms of liver disease and try to treat it in its early stage by following a healthy lifestyle routine.