Side Effects Of Beauty Products – Every girl’s dream is to use the latest nail polish or other beauty products and try new fashion styles, making them look more attractive, beautiful, and unique from others. While going to any party or function, most women mostly use beauty products such as shampoo, nail polish, etc. Although these products can make you look more attractive for some time, you know some of these products have various harmful impacts on our bodies? You are harming your health and body in the long run for a shorter pleasure.

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So if you are also fond of trying different nail polishes, you should read this article to the end for accurate information about how these beauty products harm our lives.
Side Effects Of Beauty Products on Liver, Lungs & Kidney

If you are using nail polish, shampoo, hair products, or fragrances daily, you should check their chemical takes first, as there may be a lot of side effects of beauty products that you are using without checking their characteristics. As per a new study, many hair sprays and after-shave products include harmful chemicals that enter our body through the skin and can cause various damages to the lungs, livers, and kidneys.
Increase chances of Diabetes in Women.

Recently Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism published a study claiming the side effects of beauty products on women’s health. The study stated that using various nail polish, shampoos, fragrances, and other beauty products could increase the chances of Diabetes in women. Further, some officials from the University of Michigan School of Public Health have also stated that women using these beauty products have more chances of Diabetes, especially if we talk about white women, because of the Phthalates chemicals in these products.
A study was done on 1308 women in 6 years.

A study has been done over six years on 1308 women focusing on their health. And as per the report, it has been found that phthalate chemicals in beauty products tend to increase diabetes problems in women. Moreover, 5% of women have become victims in the last six years. Further study has stated that the urine sample was taken in the early 2000s and discovered that the urine of these women contained a high level of Phthalates chemicals.
So if you want to be safe and enjoy a healthy lifestyle, use your beauty products more carefully. Try to use minimal products as and when required, and before using any product, check their chemical intake. Otherwise, you may be the next victim of the side effects of beauty products.