Best Yoga for Hypertension – Hypertension, which is also known as the situation of high blood pressure, is commonly seen in people nowadays. Today, this problem is not only limited to adults, but youngsters are also facing the problem of hypertension. We can say the reason behind this high blood pressure is the stress people are getting nowadays, whether it is related to their work, personal or study life. This gives birth to various severe health conditions like Hypertension or high blood pressure, which can become more severe and lead to the problems of heart attacks or strokes.

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So, today, we have come up with some natural solutions to manage hypertension. Today, we will tell you some of the best yoga for hypertension, which will help you relieve your mood, reduce your stress, and ultimately help you manage the problem of high blood pressure. But remember, people with hypertension should follow yoga very carefully because it can have adverse effects as well if they do not follow the proper yoga for hypertension. So, let’s dive into the article and learn about the best yoga asanas to manage high blood pressure.
Is it safe to do yoga with high blood pressure?
Yoga is a well-known practice that helps uplift our mood, calm our minds, and improve our balance and flexibility. However, certain yoga poses should not be performed at the time of hypertension. Because poses like inversions can lead to an increase in blood pressure for some time as it increases the blood flow to the head, straining the shoulders and neck. On the other hand, breathing yoga practice can lead to a sudden drop in blood pressure and dizziness. So, if you are also a patient with high blood pressure, you should perform yoga under proper guidance or consult your health care expert before doing any yoga.
9 Poses to Avoid with High Blood Pressure
Headstand (Sirsasana)

Headstand (Sirsasana) is one of the best yoga practices, which can help you in many ways as it increases blood flow to the brain. But if you are frequently facing the problem of hypertension, then you should not perform this yoga for more periods.
Handstand (Adho mukha vrksasana)

The handstand is similar to the headstand yoga pose, which leads to an increase in the blood flow to the brain and puts a significant demand on the cardiovascular system. Thus, it might also not be suitable for people with frequent problems of hypertension or high blood pressure.
Other Yoga Poses to avoid if having high blood pressure
- Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana)
- Plow pose (Halasana)
- Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III)
- Chakrasana or wheel pose (Urdhva dhanurasana)
- Intense forward bends (Paschimottanasana)
- Camel pose (Ustrasana)
- Extended triangle pose (Utthita trikonasana)
Best Yoga for Hypertension

We have already discussed that the inverse type of yoga poses can lead to an increase in blood pressure. So you need to avoid them and follow this yoga for hypertension to manage your high blood pressure.
Child’s Pose (Balasana)
The child yoga pose is one of the most accessible yoga poses, which not only promotes relaxation but also helps in managing high blood pressure by calming our minds.
Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Corpse pose is also one of the best yoga for hypertension as this pose helps promote relaxation, calmness, and profound rest in our body, making our body more calm and reducing stress, thus managing high blood pressure.
Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)
Legs up the wall or Viparita Karani yoga pose not only helps in improving the blood flow in our body but also reduces stress and promotes relaxation while also keeping heart-related diseases away from us.
Standing forward bend pose (Uttanasana)
Uttanasana yoga for hypertension is the best way to manage your high blood pressure as this asan helps in calming our nervous system and also improves our breathing. Thus, this yoga pose also promotes relaxation in our body.
Pranayama Techniques
Pranayama techniques are also the best way to manage your high blood pressure. You can engage in the Anulom Vilom or Ujjayi breathing, which will promote balance, improve your energy, increase relaxation, and reduce stress from your body.
So today, we have learned that while yoga is the best practice for overall well-being, it is still not as suitable for everyone. People with the problem of high blood pressure or hypertension should avoid specific types of yoga poses, which can further lead to an increase in their blood pressure. Despite those inverse yoga poses, you should try the above quickly and relaxation yoga for hypertension, which will promote relaxation in your body and manage your blood pressure.
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