Why People Struggle to Build an Exercise Routine – Most of us people set a workout routine for one day with dedication, and when the next day time comes to go for a workout, our mind tends to make excuses, such that we are exhausted, it is so hot or so cold, or we will start from tomorrow and so on. These are the reasons we have not been able to follow our New Year resolution for more than two months. So, in this article, we will tell you nine reasons why people struggle to build an exercise routine and how to manage it.

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Experts say that making these excuses shows how weak your willpower is. And these types of self-excesses and self-criticism will stop you from meeting your goals. So, instead of making excuses, think about why you should not make that excuse and go for the workout routine. Experts say people don’t only need to make a workout routine, but they also need to learn the ways and strategies to follow that routine. So, let’s learn about the most common excuses that stop to build an exercise routine and how to avoid them.
I have no time.

One of the common excuses that stops you to build an exercise routine is that you don’t have time. This is the most common and worst excuse ever. Nobody is too busy that he can’t have 30 minutes of free time in their day. To get rid of this excuse, first, look at your daily schedule and find out the activities that are just wasting your time, and you can exchange your workout time with those activities.
If you are still unable to manage your time for your workout routine, there are no hard and fast rules that you need precisely 60-120 minutes for your daily workout. You can even try shorter exercises, and the goal is to move your body. So, in your lunch breaks, go for a walk, use the stairs instead of the elevator, and try these types of small physical activities in your day, which are enough to keep the momentum of your body. Lastly, set up an alarm 30 minutes earlier so you can wake up early and spend that time on your exercise routine.
I feel self-conscious

One of the reasons that might stop you to build an exercise routine might be the feeling of self-consciousness. Do you also feel awkward in front of other people at the gym? Then, you don’t have to stop working; various other options exist. You can start working out at home, or sometimes we don’t like the gym space much and feel like it’s not welcoming us. Then it would be best if you tried to switch to another gym.
Sometimes, other games feel more welcoming. So don’t be ashamed of your body size, color, or anything else; remember why you want to work: feel strong or prepare for that race. Having clear reasons in your mind will help you combat the feeling of self-consciousness and motivate you to go to the gym.
I don’t want to spend money.

Sometimes, money becomes one of the reasons for not being able to build an exercise routine. Are you also the one who doesn’t want to spend money on the gym?? Then this is the worst excuse ever because despite paying at the gym, various other ways can help you in a workout. You can do Planks, lunges, push-ups, squats, and pointers at home without paying a penny. These exercises will help make you stronger. Adding a little stretching with this exercise will help you stay flexible.
Apart from this, go with the jumping jacks or spend some dollars to buy a jump rope for aerobic exercise. And if you can go outside in the park, you should try walking or running as these will add another benefit by allowing you to connect with nature.
It’s too cold or too hot to build an exercise routine.

One of the worst excuses I have heard is that there is too much hot or cold. However, experts suggest that a change in the weather is not for making any excuses. It adds one more reason you should build an exercise routine: With a change in the weather, you have more options to work out. For example, if the weather is hot, try swimming instead of running, and if the weather is cold, it is a perfect time for strength training and building your core.
I don’t have the space.

One of the common excuses people make for not being able to build an exercise routine is that they don’t have enough space at their home for a workout. But do you know that if you have space for a yoga mat and as long as you can stretch your arms and legs without bumping into the walls, you have enough space for the workout? Stop making excuses.
You can do yoga at home, a simple and easy activity that stretches your body and makes you more flexible, thus helping to keep you fit and healthy. Apart from yoga, you can try jumping rope, lifting dumbbells or kettlebells, doing body-weight exercises, stretching, or using resistance bands. Still, if you are making an excuse that you don’t have enough space, parks are available in every part of the city. Go and do a workout there; no one is stopping you.
Some other Reasons Why People Struggle to Build an Exercise Routine

- I’m exhausted all the time
- I’m not too fond of it
- I’m afraid of hurting myself.
So, are you also making excuses and unable to build an exercise routine? You are just making an excuse for your life. Because if you can’t spend at least 30 minutes of your day on physical activities, you can’t achieve anything. So stop making excuses. Try to find out the way to do that thing. If you are determined enough, you will find a way to your workout routine. Otherwise, you will end up in your bed or partying with your friends, which will lead to long-term health corners. The choice is yours: do you want to stay fit and enjoy a healthy life, or do you want to spend your old age in bed?
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