Health Benefits of Sitaphal Leaves (Custard Apple Leaves) – Sitaphal, also known as Custard apple, is a delicious fruit and very beneficial for our health. They are rich in many minerals and vitamins, including Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium, and Iron, and have been used for centuries in ayurvedic treatments.

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Custard Apple Leaves can be consumed as a fruit or as tea. Either way, both benefit our health and help us remain safe from various diseases. So, let’s understand the health benefits of these Sitaphal leaves and why you should add this tasty fruit to your eating routine.
Health Benefits of Sitaphal Leaves (Custard Apple Leaves)

Beneficial in the problem of Diarrhea
Sitaphal contains the antioxidant tannin, which is beneficial for stomach problems as it helps soothe the stomach and reduces diarrhea. Its fiber content also helps improve the digestive system and prevents diarrhea problems. Further, Custard Apple Leaves have anti-bacterial properties, which help combat any intestine infection. Drinking the juice made up from the leaves of the Sitaphal also helps keep our body hydrated, which is necessary for combating the problem of diarrhea.
Beneficial for the Skin
Sitaphal leaves also benefit the skin as they contain various antioxidants and Vitamin C, which keep the skin glowing, help combat various skin-related problems and lead to healthier and glowing skin. The custard apple leaves also help nourish the skin and contain anti-bacterial contents, which help remove ringworm, acne, and dead skin cells from the skin. You can use the paste of its leaves to remove dirt and dead skin cells and provide you with softer and supple skin.
Protection from Cancer
As per some research, Sitaphal leaves can be proven beneficial in preventing cancer as they contain Phytochemicals with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and help prevent cancer cell growth. Further, it has been said that the custard apple leaves contain Vitamins A and C, which further help combat and destroy cancer cells. Its leaves increase the body’s detoxification capabilities, which helps remove cancerous cells from our body.
Beneficial in Managing Diabetes
Sitaphal leaves are also suitable for diabetic patients as the fiber content in their leaves helps manage blood sugar levels, which is also beneficial for people with diabetes problems. Further, the antioxidants available in the leaves of custard apples increase the sensitivity of insulin, which also helps reduce blood sugar levels. So, if you are a diabetic patient and want to eat something sweet, you can go with these delicious fruits, Which will help you with your sugar craving and also manage your blood sugar levels.
So these are the benefits of the Sitaphal leaves, which force you to add this delicious fruit to your healthy routine. This fruit will provide you with most of the essential nutrients; thus, you can enjoy this fruit and keep yourself healthy.
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